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DateNovember 24, 2025 – November 26, 2025
City / Country Riyadh / Saudi Arabia / Middle East
VenueRiyadh Front Exhibitions & Conferences Center
Items to be exhibitedSupply chain, logistics, warehouse automation systems, inventory management software, packaging and labeling equipment, robotics, automotive, electric vehicles, hydrogen and fuel cells, innovative materials and composites, aerospace, safety systems, defense, MRO services, digital manufacturing, industrial software, 3D printing, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, sensor technology, Internet of Things (IoT), pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, laboratory automation, cold storage, quality control and testing systems, metrology, sanitation technologies, construction, green manufacturing technologies, mining, BIM software, heavy machinery, renewable energy solutions, petrochemicals, drilling equipment, environmental impact and waste management solutions, offshore and subsea technology, industry consultants, training and development programs, research and development services, foreign trade and investment, learning technologies, startups, startup accelerators, investors
For VisitorsEligibility : Trade only
Method of admission : Apply/register online
For details, please contact the organizer directly.
OrganizerKaoun International
Person : Scott Woodall
Tel : +971-4-389-3999
E-mail :
Inquiry Form :